Deepzoom – Panoramic USA

I never did get around to putting a nice series of pictures online of my roadtrip through the USA. But I did take a lot of pictures and a lot of them came out quite nice. So, to make up for it, at least in part, here are five of my favourite panoramic composites. All five were taken on the road from San Diego to Denver, swinging by the Grand Canyon. The bottom one is the Denver skyline on the night of Obama’s acceptance speech as the democratic presidential candidate.

Mind you, this is some serious data and I’m not exactly the Library of Congress, so don’t expect blistering speeds here. Happy viewing!

These images were taken with a Canon EOS 30D, composed using PanoTools, photographically enhanced using GIMP and finally processed using the Deep Zoom Composer.

Hint: use the maximize button in the lower right of the deep zoom area for optimal viewing pleasure.

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